
We’re extremely proud to have the job of preserving our collection of over six million images.

An ongoing digitisation project means that digital and print copies of most images are available for print or research purposes.

We are always collecting and scanning new photographs, and our digital library grows each day.

Our collection includes the prolific and impressive negative portfolios of Gordon Binsted and Charles Tindall, as well as countless other invaluable pieces that span the decades.



The majority of standard images are available for $20.00 each as digital or hard copy.

For large format images requiring scanning or specialist transfer, fees can be quoted.



Images of other collection items, including maps, plans and selected archival material, may be obtained on request.

Larger items require specialist scanning, please enquire for availability and cost estimate.



Please enquire as conditions apply.

We ask that all images from the Museum Collection that are published credit each individual image to the Ashburton Museum in a readily identifiable manner and include the Museum’s reference number.