Kōwhai Mums
February 5 - November 5

Kōwhai Mums is a monthly art group that caters to ethnic and migrant mums/carers, as well as newcomers to Whakatere Ashburton.
While this group has an emphasis on engaging with newcomers, any mums/carers with children aged 0-5 years are welcome to attend.
Sessions provide a safe and fun environment for mums/carers to relax and socialise whilst children explore their world through sensory play, imaginative materials, and art activities. Delivered in partnership with Mid Canterbury Newcomers Network.
Morning tea provided | Drop-in | 0-5 year
First Wednesday of every month | 10:30-12pm
Upcoming sessions:
05 February
05 March
02 April
07 May
04 June
02 July
06 August
03 September
01 October
05 November